Youth Leadership

Click here to visit our partner Bounce Back Generations's website and VIEW THE VIDEO featuring Be Present Youth Trainers!

Be Present uses a whole-organization approach to youth development, engaging children, youth, and adults in a co-learning process in all training, community organizing and governance. Youth voice and leadership is central in guiding the strategic direction of the organization.
We intentionally engage children and youth, ensuring the work being done is not only “for” youth, but “by youth” – inclusive of youth voice, perspective, and leadership. Children and youth bring essential ideas and energy. Be Present collaborates with community organizations that serve and support children, youth, and adults to create environments that are socially and emotionally supportive.
Be Present is open to anyone looking to make changes in their lives, which includes people of all races, genders, classes, identities, and ages.  

Join a Be Present Support Group

Participating in a peer-led Be Present Support Group using the Be Present Empowerment Model® (BPEM) provides a safe community of practice for youth to discuss and work through any issues that have an impact on individual movement, receive support to address social, emotional, and relational needs, and realize personal goals. Families are also supported to develop a Be Present Support Group to support all members of the family in sustaining healthy relationships. 

Children & Youth Learning and Play Program (CYLP)

The CYLP is a partnership between adults and youth from ages 5 to 18 years old. Approximately 20 youth are members of the Program. They learn leadership skills, receive training in the BPEM®  and are skilled trainers and facilitators in the BPEM. The team collaborates on design and facilitation of training for children, youth and adults, and engages in outreach to schools and communities.

Youth Advisors

Be Present's youth serve on the Board of Directors as advisors and integral partners in setting organizational direction and decision-making. CYLP members are non-voting Youth Advisers on the Board of Directors who are authentically involved in leadership, planning and program development.

Current Board Youth Advisors

Nolan Allen 




Ryanne Lowe 





Jordan Pluim 




Join Us

A great first step in getting involved is to attend our free, monthly developers’ meetings held via ZOOM. Meetings offer an introduction to Be Present and the BPEM and support the development of new Be Present Support Groups, as well as support existing groups.

 Please contact us at to learn more. 

Click here to view our Program Calendar.